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Lighting Controls – Line Voltage

Lighting Controls for Line Voltage Systems

axxess lamp dimmer x2

Lamp Dimmer

The Axxess Lamp Dimmer Switch is the perfect control for dimming table lamps  in the  ZigBee Pro Smart network. The touch slider allows for convenient dimming lamp control. Slide it or tap it, and watch the lamp respond.

The Lamp Dimmer installs conveniently and easily into the lamp cord, with patented crimp connectors. No screw driver required. It is virtually impossible for users to disconnect.

Available in white, black and silver.

Compatible with Control4 or ZigBee Pro.

View Lamp Dimmer

Lamp Dimmer Plus

Just like the Lamp Dimmer, the Lamp Dimmer Plus is perfect for dimming table lamps and floor lamps in the Control4 automated home, with the addition of 5 buttons that allow users to program actions from the same interface.

The Lamp Dimmer Plus installs conveniently and easily into the lamp cord, with patented crimp connectors. No screw driver required. It is virtually impossible for users to disconnect.

Available in white, black and silver.

Compatible with Control4 or ZigBee Pro.

View Lamp Dimmer Plus

axxess lamp dimmer plus


load control module zigbee network axxess

LCM Dimming

With the Axxess Load Control Module (LCM), you get powerful and flexible load control, capable of dimming various lighting loads.

This device can be controlled via ZigBee Pro wireless,
0-10V control or via RS485.

In addition to the directly connected load, the LCM also features two outputs to drive Axxess Plug-in Relays for additional on-off load control.

View LCM

Plug In Relay

The Axxess Plug In Relay is used to improve 3-way switching circuits. Our Plug In Relay adds the functionality of switching an additional load which avoids installing a double gang electrical box.

View Plug In Relay